Start by finding a sunny location. Utah has very alkaline soil somewhere 8-9 pH which makes it hard to grow blueberries that need about 5.5 pH. I have found you should replace the soil with peat moss or coco coir with a little of the natural clay soil. I dig a hole to fit the biggest pot I can find and put it in the ground with the new mix of soil I created.

I add sulfur as well to keep the soil a lower pH.
Since Utah is more Northern you should pick Northern varieties that cross pollinate. I chose Bluecrop and Blue Ray Blueberries. After adding the soil mix you created did out a hole for the plant.

As the new blueberry plant.

Add an organic fertilizer as well. Now water about once a week. To start water the day you plant and the next day and then two days later and then three days later. Adding a day between each watering until you are watering once a week. In no time you will be having your own blueberries.
Below is a blueberry flowering that I planted several years before with this method.