I planted Adams and Johns Elderberries a few years ago for medicinal use. Elderberries are known for helping with viruses (colds and flus). I started making a tincture with Elderberries. I pick as many (in August) as I can and then rinse them off and fill mason quart jars (or any saved glass jar) about 3/4 full and then add 100 Proof Vodka on top. The Vodka is what makes it a tincture and preserves the elderberry mixture. I make sure the Vodka is over the top of the elderberries. Then I shake nearly daily for over a month and then you can sift out the elderberries or leave. I leave the elderberries. I store the quart jar in a dark cool or cold storage room.

You can take a teaspoon or so as daily or multiple times a day if exposed to a virus or have a cold or flu or probably COVID-19. (This is NOT medical advice. Please consult your doctor.)
See image below shows how reddish a color the liquid becomes.