Nothing better than fresh-picked fruit from your backyard all-summer long.
Red Haven peaches

Fruit Trees for Northern Utah
- Peach (All cultivars)
- Nectarine (Most cultivars)
- Apricot (Chinese/Mormon)
- Pluot (Dapple Dandy and Flavor Supreme are my favorite)
- Plum (Santa Rosa, Elephant, Italian Prune, Burgundy, and more)
- Apple (All cultivars)
- Cherry (Bing, Utah Giant, Ranier, Craig’s Crimson). There are now bush cherries – not sure if the flavor is good or not.
- Pluerry (Candy Heart, Sweet Treat – new in 2017)
- Mulberry (better near water source)

Small Fruits
- Strawberries (Albion for a Day Neutral type)
- Raspberries (Any – Utah was the Raspberry capital around World War II)
- Currants (Red or Black)
- Gooseberries (Hinnomaki Red, Pixwell, Black Velvet)
- Elderberry (Adams, Johns) – need two cross-pollinating cultivars.
- Grapes (All American types – Perlette (seen below), Concord, Sulfolk Red, Red Canadice)
- Blueberries (Bluecrop, Blueray, Any Northern). You will need to acidify soil in Utah. Very hard to grow in Utah with alkaline soil.
- Honeyberries (All cultivars should grow in Utah). They can grow in alkaline soil.
Nut Trees for Northern Utah
- Almond (All in one)
- Walnut (Ambassador)
- Filbert (Barcelona, Casina, Lewis) Need two compatible cultivars