Honeyberries have a blue elongated fruit that has antioxidants that rival blueberries and blackberries. Honeyberry is part of the Honeysuckle family. The best part is honey berries can be grown in alkaline soil unlike blueberries.
There are early, mid-season, and late season cultivars. I planted my first ones in May 2019. I planted two cultivars one was an Aurora and the other was a Borealis. You need two to cross pollinate. They should be planted within 100 feet of each other. You should make sure they are both the early, mid, or late producing pairs.

Mature height is 4 to 5 feet and same for spread. Zones 2 – 7. Flower color is yellow and the fruit is blue.

I have found them locally in Utah County at Cook’s Nursery. I have also found them online at Stark Bros. I am sure there are many more locations to purchase honey berry and I am not recommending one location over another.
They have a nice tartness with sweetness to them. I am looking forward to having many more to eat this summer.